Route Overview – Lakeside to Grays to Basildon
The 100 bus service connects Lakeside to Basildon via Grays, with return services from Basildon to Lakeside.
Lakeside to Basildon Timetable
Stop Name | Early Morning | Morning Peak | Daytime | Evening |
Bus Station | 06:00, 06:20, 06:35 | 07:05, 07:25, 07:45, 08:05 | Every 20 mins | 18:20, 18:40, 19:10, 19:40, 20:30, 21:30, 22:30, 23:30 |
Grays Bus Station | 06:11, 06:31, 06:47 | 07:17, 07:38, 07:58, 08:18 | Every 20 mins | 18:36, 18:54, 19:21, 19:51, 20:41, 21:40, 22:40, 23:40 |
Orsett Cock PH | 06:26, 06:46, 07:01 | 07:35, 07:59, 08:19, 08:37 | Every 20 mins | 18:52, 19:10, 19:37, 20:07, 20:55, 21:53, 22:51, 23:51 |
Hospital (Northbound) | 06:52, 07:12, 07:28 | 08:07, 08:32, 08:53, 09:08 | Every 20 mins | 19:02, 19:18, 19:36, 20:02, 20:32, 21:19, 22:16, 23:13, 00:13 |
Basildon Bus Station | 06:58, 07:18, 07:36 | 08:14, 08:41, 09:01, 09:16 | Every 20 mins | 19:10, 19:26, 19:42, 20:08, 20:38, 21:25, 22:21, 23:18, 00:18 |
Basildon to Lakeside Timetable
Stop Name | Early Morning | Morning Peak | Daytime | Evening |
Bus Station | 05:20, 05:50, 06:15 | 06:30, 06:50, 07:00, 07:15, 07:30, 07:45, 08:00 | Every 20 mins | 18:00, 18:30, 19:25, 20:30, 21:30, 22:30 |
Hospital (Southbound) | 05:24, 05:54, 06:19 | 06:34, 06:54, 07:04, 07:20, 07:36, 07:51, 08:09 | Every 20 mins | 18:04, 18:34, 19:29, 20:34, 21:34, 22:34 |
Orsett Cock PH | 05:48, 06:17, 06:44 | 06:59, 07:22, 07:32, 07:51, 08:08, 08:23, 08:41 | Every 20 mins | 18:32, 19:01, 19:56, 20:59, 21:56, 22:56 |
Grays Bus Station | 06:03, 06:33, 06:59 | 07:17, 07:40, 07:50, 08:11, 08:29, 08:44, 09:03 | Every 20 mins | 18:50, 19:17, 20:11, 21:12, 22:11, 23:11 |
Lakeside Bus Station | 06:10, 06:40, 07:08 | 07:25, 07:49, 07:59, 08:20, 08:38, 08:53, 09:12 | Every 20 mins | 18:58, 19:25, 20:18, 21:19, 22:18, 23:18 |
Full Timetable
For the full timetable including all stops, please refer to the tables below. Times are shown in 24-hour format.
Lakeside to Basildon
Basildon to Lakeside
Important Notes
- This timetable shows multiple services throughout the day in both directions.
- During daytime hours, buses run approximately every 20 minutes in both directions.
- Journey time from Lakeside to Basildon is approximately 1 hour.
- Journey time from Basildon to Lakeside is approximately 50 minutes.
- Please arrive at your stop a few minutes early, as buses may depart up to 1 minute before the scheduled time.
Key Destinations
- Lakeside Shopping Centre
- Grays
- Orsett
- Basildon Hospital
- Basildon Town Centre