ARHE 133 Bus Timetable

Route Overview – Stansted Airport to Braintree

The 133 bus service connects Stansted Airport to Braintree via Great Dunmow, with return services from Braintree to Stansted Airport.

Stansted Airport to Braintree Timetable

Stop Name
Early Morning
Late Night
Coach Station
00:15, 04:00, 06:00
07:00, 07:50, 09:05
10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 13:15, 14:15, 15:15, 16:15
17:30, 18:30, 20:20
Great Dunmow, High Street
00:34, 04:17, 06:17
07:17, 08:09, 09:26
10:34, 11:34, 12:34, 13:34, 14:34, 15:34, 16:34
17:49, 18:49, 20:39
Felsted, Braintree Road
00:38, 04:20, 06:20
07:20, 08:13, 09:30
10:38, 11:38, 12:38, 13:38, 14:38, 15:39, 16:39
17:53, 18:53, 20:43
Braintree Bus Interchange
– , 04:45, 06:45
07:45, 08:55, 10:05
11:10, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10, 15:10, 16:17, 17:17
18:28, – , 21:09

Braintree to Stansted Airport Timetable

Stop Name
Early Morning
Late Night
Bus Interchange
03:00, 05:00, 06:00
06:50, 07:55, 09:10
10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 13:15, 14:15, 15:15
16:25, 17:25, 19:20, 21:15
Felsted, Braintree Road
03:24, 05:24, 06:24
07:18, 08:28, 09:44
10:45, 11:45, 12:45, 13:45, 14:45, 15:45
16:57, 17:57, 19:50, 21:45
Great Dunmow, High Street
03:31, 05:31, 06:31
07:25, 08:35, 09:52
10:53, 11:53, 12:53, 13:53, 14:53, 15:53
17:05, 18:05, 19:58, 21:53
Coach Station
03:50, 05:50, 06:50
07:42, 08:55, 10:10
11:10, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10, 15:10, 16:10
17:25, 18:25, 20:15, 22:10

Full Timetable

For the full timetable including all stops, please refer to the tables below. Times are shown in 24-hour format.

Stansted Airport to Braintree

Braintree to Stansted Airport

Important Notes

  • This timetable shows multiple services throughout the day in both directions.
  • Journey time from Stansted Airport to Braintree is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  • Journey time from Braintree to Stansted Airport is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes.
  • Please arrive at your stop a few minutes early, as buses may depart up to 1 minute before the scheduled time.

Key Destinations

  • Stansted Airport
  • Great Dunmow
  • Felsted
  • Braintree
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